Busy in the wrong way

I was praying this morning and a random (?!) thought came into my mind that I pondered for a while.  It occurred to me that my schedule has been controlled by my desires – a desire to be noticed, a desire to appear capable, a desire to share knowledge, a desire to help, a desireContinue reading “Busy in the wrong way”

The morning walk

I thought it would be fun to document my walking route.  I took pictures on my walk this morning (which actually was pretty miserably hot and sweaty, but taking pictures helped distract me) and will take you through the highlights….. Leaving the farm…..the view from the end of the driveway. The house ‘next door’. NiceContinue reading “The morning walk”

Family and Focus

This past weekend we had the privilege of having both of my brothers and sisters-in-law here, and my mom came over from her assisted living residence. On Friday night we had a bunch more family come over for dinner, and my kids were also here so it was quite a crowd! SO much fun. IContinue reading “Family and Focus”